13 January 2012 - For road safety purpose in coming Chinese New Year (CNY), the speed limit for state and federal roads will be reduced by 10 km/h for the upcoming Chinese New Year period. The speed limit for federal roads will be reduced from 90kph to 80kph during the Chinese New Year (CNY) celebration period as a safety measure to prevent accidents. At the same time, the state roads will see a reduction from 80 km/h to 70 km/h. No change for the highway limit.
"Road Transport Department (RTD) will conduct a joint operation starting from Jan 16 until Jan 30 to reduce the number of accidents and deaths during that period. "Commercial vehicles will be barred from federal and state roads on Jan 21 and 22 which is two days before the Chinese New Year and on Jan 28 and Jan 29," he said in a statement here today.
Kong said the RTD would double their road safety campaigns, targeting motorcyclist and pillion riders, drivers, passengers and pedestrians. He said, the campaign would be publicised through a cooperation between the Information Communication and Culture Ministry and media organisations.
Source: Bername